I'm a software engineer with over 11 years of experience. I live in Nashville, TN with my wife and two children. I have extensive experience in building and maintaining web applications. See my most recent role below to learn about some of the main problems I've been solving.
Frontend: Material UI, React, typescript, Appollo Client, GraphQL,
Backend: Prisma, PostgreSQL, typescript
Design: Figma
Frontend: HTML, CSS/SCSS, TailwindCSS, Javascript, React, Storybook
Design: Figma
Testing: Jest, Testing Library
Frontend: HTML, CSS/SCSS, Javascript, TailwindCSS, Vue, Webpack, Semantic UI, Bulma, Twig
Backend: CraftCMS, PHP, Stripe API, Webhooks,
Features: Members only section, user accounts, subscription, e-commerce, event management and registration.
Frontend: HTML, CSS/SCSS, Javascript, React, React Native, Vue, Webpack, Semantic UI, Bulma, ThreeJS
Backend: Express, Cognito, DynamoDb, Lambdas, API Gatways, Node, Craft CMS, Firebase
Testing: Jest, Enzyme
Frontend: HTML, CSS/SCSS, Javascript, React, Storybook
Design: Figma
Testing: Jest, Enzyme
Frontend: HTML, CSS/Less, Jquery
Backend: Custom PHP backend, MySQL